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The first thing I do each morning is check my phone, and a few days ago, this is the first message I saw; this blog has been nominated for another award in the same week! Needless to say, I was ecstatic, so I jumped out of bed and ran to my husband and told him the good news. I have received a nomination for the Inspiring Blogger Award!

Thank you Erins Dc Kitchen for nominating Yummyfoodmadeeasy for this award!!

As per the other awards nominations, the rules are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
  3.  Nominate 15 other bloggers that you admire or inspire you.
  4. Go leave a comment and let the people know you have nominated them.

7 More Things About Me:

1. I absolutely love Mayonnaise, I would rather eat my fries with mayonnaise than with ketchup

2. My all time favourite kind of food has to be seafood.

3. Lobsters are my favourite

4. Shrimps come in second on that list

4. For Third place, its a tie between squid and scallops

5. When I am feeling lazy, I make stir fry noodles, which always tastes good and does not take much time

6. My favourite Bangladeshi food is ‘kachee Biryani’.

7. The food I love the most in Canada, are the wide range of burgers available here

Following are the 15 Blogs I nominate:

1. Skinnytaste

2. Gluten is my bitch

3. Just Dan 93

4. Fabulous 50’s

5. Jeanetteshealthyliving

6. Nazar Blue

7. Clockwork Lemon

8. jovinacooksitalian

9. theraysofsunshine

10. dietitianontherun

11. healthyseasonalrecipes

12. chez us

13. eggsonsunday

14. withoutamicrowave

15. pastrystudio